Style / Arbiter

Style Exercises for Gentlemen: Dressing, Shaving, Skin Care and Everything You Need to Know About Perfect Care.

The shoe
László Fabula, the youngest master of handmade footwear in Hungary. I could say that the shoes are the sole of the man's dignity. But in order to fully comprehend this idea, two things must be known: what is dignity, and what gives value to a shoe. »
Elegant fit for the occasion is not the elite fad but the foundation of a unified community experience »
04/19/2014. 00:00
Fighting stops without stopping. Every time the gay returns, the "shortists" and the "sleeveless" clash. Blood doesn't flow, but sweating is a problem for both camps. »
06/04/2014. 00:00
Gentleman Style Arbiter
The main obstacle to our true development in appearance is the lack of "disease awareness". Since our approach in this area does not inherit the traditional harmony formulas of European dress, we do not recognize disharmony either. That's how we stand. »
Photo: Shutterstock
06/19/2013. 07:03
The word you are looking for cannot be shorter than 3 letters!
He is one of the best guitarists in Hungary who connected Hendrix with Bartók. At the age of seventeen, he has been playing at VHK, founder of the Napra band, member of the National Primate Meeting, Miklós Both FolkSide ...
I'm rich. Very rich. And I'm not even bored. Absolutely not. That is why I desire a focused experience, which in the short time I can turn it off, is more suitable for this important ...
Nature cannot be treated
He is a member of one of the 100 richest Hungarian elite clubs. Formerly involved in the auto parts trade, but since he has enjoyed sailing, he has been passionate and passionate about Flames ...
The tailor of kings, the king of tailors
A Henry Poole & Co klasszikus, angol családi vállalkozás. A mérték utáni szabóság jó régen, 1806-ban alakult. Nemzedékeken át többtucatnyi uralkodói családnak dolgoztak, még Winston Churchillt is...
Van egy mesebeli badehotel Dánia északnyugati partján, távol a stressztől, zajtól és a tömegektől. A több mint százéves, hófehérre festett gerendaépületben működő slow-life szállót Lisa Emborg vezeti. A...
91. Hungarian Derby
Július 7-én, vasárnap a 91. Magyar Derby napja a Kincsem Parkban több lesz, mint egy kiemelkedő lóverseny esemény, a kísérő rendezvény a BNI Juliálisának...
Lamb Boldizsár in Deva and Miercurea-Ciuc
A Radnóti Miklós Színház jótékonysági turnéra indul a Szent Ferenc Alapítvány gyermekotthonaiba 2013. június 18-ig.
Are you crazy? - asked quite a few of my acquaintances when I found out that I travel daily by train from Verőc to Budapest. I was not surprised at the suggestions because the current ...
A company of classics
The sailing experience is almost independent of the type of ship. Yet, when the combined magic of aesthetics, history, and speed, touches a man in the face of a silent cruiser of Lake Balaton - the ...

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