Culture corner

Cultur Corner, or everything about culture: theater, movies, books and fine arts.

Today, only the middle exit of the garden facade and a piece of wall remain from the former prince-sized castle building on Alcsút. Its inhabitants, the former Dukes of Habsburg, hardly thought that their country residence would compete for the title of one of the most picturesque Hungarian castle ruins. It will be a symbol of destruction, created by nature and history together. »
It is the twenty-third day of October. It didn't really matter in the first thirty years of his life. The next thirty more. They ended up with the police quite often, he and the celebrators. Even after 1956, even in the system that proclaimed atheism, he was tempted to cheer for a larger company in public. »
Ferenc Bogisich is the Chief Executive Officer of Qualitative Production Mechanical Engineering and Trading Company of more than 100 people. As an engineer, he founded his company for twenty years, supplying parts, machines and equipment to many European countries. Fifty year old, cheerful, true gentleman, with a nice family, civic life. I say lucky. He says luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. »
North of San Francisco, the Napa Valley, one of the world's most legendary wine regions, is an hour's drive away. And in the city of Sonoma, at Buena Vista Wine Farm, the life-size image of our adventurous compatriot, Augustine Haraszthy, welcomes the visitor to the world-famous winery. Early starter of the Count, Napa Valley ... »
Text: Ch. András Gáll
06/17/2014. 00:08
He has written songs for the last twenty years, hit an Enrico Morricone in an Italian production and is now making his way to Hollywood. Imre Czomba is one of the key figures of the Hungarian music industry who is not exposed to the spotlight. Not even looking. Nowadays you have more important things to do: pave the way for a dream. »
GOOD LIFE About the Operetta
They are both celebrated stars in the world of musical theater, and although they sing the same roles, jealousy apparently goes far beyond them. They understand each other in half words, big laughs for a moment, entire stories from the past. »
Text: Zsófia Juhász
05/11/2014. 16:02
Biologist, university professor, former member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, former vice-president, prominent researcher on the nervous system, formerly Minister of National Cultural Heritage. As a disciple of János Szentágothai, he worked on anatomical research and began to work on the brain beside him. It was Szentágothai who drew his attention to culture, especially literature and the fine arts. »
Text: Anna Juhász
04/30/2014. 00:00
Father Paul FERI
If you think about it, classical gentleman virtues are one to the same as knightly virtues. What used to be courage, today is ambition, moderation is today embodied in a restrained style, women's protection has now become prudence, and social sensitivity is there to help the fallen. »
Text: Zsófia Sashegyi
04/29/2014. 00:00
"Well, Vásáry?"
For the birthday of Ferenc Liszt, the gates of the Music Academy were closed three years ago - the impressive building became the jewel of the downtown of Pest. From the Art Nouveau walls, paint layers from the socialist era were scraped, resulting in long-gone decorations, cirads and tones. »
Text: Zsuzsa Kálmán
04/17/2014. 00:00
Edelény, the "Bodva Coast Fertőd" has been the subject of more reconstruction ideas, plans and ideas since the regime change - than a Canadian windowman even dreamed of an Indian casino ... »
04/13/2014. 00:00
The word you are looking for cannot be shorter than 3 letters!
The Scientists' Band is a wonderful weapon for trickery, says Dr. Béla Mary, who is not far from breaking pepper under the noses of mankind. Not only does he do this with his music, he also dares to ...
Love at first sight
Although I didn't expect it, I had a very special scent in Mallorca. During my vacation, I met a company that specializes in flavored sea salts. This illatorgy then ...
Such questions have not yet been posed to me, though I have said quite a lot already, said historian Maria Schmidt at the end of the interview, the House of Terror Museum, and the XX. and XXI. Century Institute ...
The world's largest traveling production
By now, many have heard that the current version of the Wall, the stadium, is by far the largest traveling production in the world. This applies both to the size of the stage and the scenery, but ...
Buena Vista Social Club
The Buena Vista Social Club was a Havana nightclub in the colorful, exciting music scene of the forties and fifties.
Boldogsághormont termel, ébren tart, felajz, megnyugtat, a csokoládénak már az illata is jótékony hatású. A borokhoz hasonlóan akár termőhely- és évjárat alapján is szelektálják a kakaóbabok...
Kerékpár, bicikli, bringa, keró, canga. Aki hajtja, imádja, hiszen olyan szabadságérzetet nyújt, amit egyetlen más közlekedési eszköz sem képes megadni. A posztmodern nagyvárosokban egyre többen ismerik...
Vízcsapot és asztalt már tervezett az egyetemen, ám most az egyik leg-híresebb sportautó, a jaguár E-Type formai újragondolásával vált ismertté Varga László. A huszonnégy éves mérnökhallgatónak nem...
The smallest prince
In the section of Andrássy Avenue between Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Road and Oktogon, the shops of luxury fashion brands interact. The sophisticated elegance sweeps the avenue, and the onlooker passes through the ...

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