
Exploring Fractals on the Macintosh

By Bernt Wahl, Peter Van Roy, Michael Larsen and Eric Kampman.

Price $35

Publisher Addison-Wesley / Dynamic Software (1995)
352 pages, 350 illustrations

ISBN 0-201-62630-6, DSB-6

Fractal Exploration on the Macintosh is a profusely illustrated book/disk set which examines the inner workings of fractals, focusing on numerous fractal types and their relationship to the scientific world. Readers will find non-technical discussions on fractals, and where they may be found; in the human body, music, architecture of African settlements, art, plant structures, cosmology, fashions and even pop culture. Explanations are given of linear fractals, the Mandelbrot set ( non-linear ), Newton's method, aggregate growth, random fractals, and chaos theory. The book includes algorithms with many visual examples and a user's manual for FractaSketch and MandelMovie, along with a limited demo versions of the two programs. It also teaches the intricacies of programming fractal algorithms, and how to incorporate your fractals into existing applications.

Exploring Fractals on the Macintosh Book On-line

Dynamics I, II & III

By Ralph Abraham and Chris Shaw

Price $15 per book

Publisher Aerial Press
ISBN 0-942344-00-6, DSB-1, DSB-2, DSB-3

Part l: Periodic Behavior, 4-color, 220 pages and 342 illustrations. Develops simple limit sets in historical context. Forced pendulum of Duffing, forced oscillator of van der Pol.

Part ll: Chaotic Behavior, 2-color, 137 pages and 170 illustrations. Chaotic limit sets and attractors of theory and of experiment. Poincaré, Birkhoff, Lorenz and Rössler examples in detail.

Part lll: Global Behavior, 2-color, 123 pages and 136 illustrations. Develops full, global portrait of a dynamical system, basins, and separatrices. Generic properties, structural stability, fractal microstructure.

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